Sunday, December 19, 2010


"Paul Varjak: You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing," and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself."

<<---  My sister gave me dis. >.<
Christmas is coming up, and I am in shock. I mean, yes, that's cliché but, I am. I was all prepared at the beginning of the month and then it came around and now it's less than a week away! 
The reason I am in so much shock is probably because about a week ago I got really distracted from christmas and december in general cause something else made me really happy. People who know me know that I am usually pretty bitter and cynical, and I am sorry to say that you all will have to forget about that part of me for...who knows how long?
I chose that quote because, I always have been a little wild, not really wanting or ready to be tied down. But the truth is probably that I was just not aware of the other thing you can call being "tied down". Being happy. I mean, yea this is sappy, and yea nothing is perfect. But I like it this way. 
Schools over, I am free for a month, things are going my way. Now comes the fear. What if I just ignore it? Will that work?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Copperfields, Yo belle, and Maslow

"Bill smiled and continued asking me questions. Slowly, he got to 'problems at home.' And I told him about the boy who makes mix tapes hitting my sister because my sister only told me not to tell mom or dad about it, so I figured I could tell Bill. He got this very serious look on his face after I told him, and he said something to me I don't think I will forget this semester or ever. 
'Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve.' "
-the perks of being a wallflower

Today was really pretty amazing. Not in the good way, but just in that way. It started really normally, but then I got to go meet my friend Dayton (only ever really an aquaintance, but conversation has never been awkward for us, so I figured hanging out wouldn't hurt or anything). It felt really good and natural, and the day just got better when I saw Robert (an old friend whom I love dearly for being one of those people who has such a positive outlook that when they are upset, it makes your day melancholy too). He works at the bookstore and I got to catch up with him before meeting Dayton. Chella accompanied me the whole time and after we picked up this book, the perks of being a wallflower, we got frozen yogurt at the new little yogurt place next door. 

All of that wasn't really the point, but it might have helped in getting there. The point is, Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve. And I have told myself a million times I am ready, I am ready, I am ready to the millionth, but this time it feels a little more real. (regardless of if it is). 

There are a couple of Psychologists who believed the same/similar things regarding self-actualization. Maslow was one of them. Upon first hearing his name all I could think of was that Maslow is a really good name for a cat (It's gonna happen at some point in my life, just you wait). Anyway, Maslow developed this theory of the heirarchy of needs, self-actualization being at the top. So basically, this guy figures that, you can't get to the self-actualization, you can't even get to the self-esteem until you have a feeling of love and belonging in your life, because until the basic needs are met; food, security, love, all the ones under esteem... you can't GET to the esteem. 

What I don't understand is that everyone always tells you that you need to love yourself and just have self-confidence in order to reach that love and intimacy that we all crave. I pretty much already convinced myself I just don't need love. So which way do I go? Do I fake it til I make it with the self-confidence, or do I search for the love I have been told I need? 


I have also been told not to search, to just let it happen. 


Stupid hormones. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Inconvenient conveniency

So I am going to the this entire thing from my iPhone because getting one of these makes computers nearly obsolete. Not to mention typing on these is just really fun (I hate to admit I think it's the clicking sound that makes it fun).

Sadly though it doesn't format the same so I will have to edit it on a computer later anyway....

Man life is complicated... Leaving the wifi now so I'm just gonna post this so I don't use up my 3G... Turns out this is a lot less convenient than I thought...

Monday, November 8, 2010

I found the needle in that haystack!

"If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't" -Chuck Palahniuk

So, fashion has never really been my thing, but over the past couple months I have really been interested in it. (like, considering-throwing-out-all-of-my-clothes-to-start-over interested) I do a lot of online window shopping. Maybe I should call it browser shopping??? A lot of blogs have kept my interest too when it comes to fashion, especially Rumi Neely's photo diary-esque blog

The problem is...There aren't any vegan shoes! 

I am a vegetarian and have been for about 7 years, but I am an ethical vegetarian so I also like to not wear leather and that can be especially difficult when it comes to shoes. So I was reading her blog and following some links to some really gorgeous sites with some really gorgeous shoes. 


...and I found this blog..

Anything you would ever want to find relating to vegan clothes and shoes. It is bluntly called A Vegan Fashion Blog. What more could I ask? Well, I didn't ask, but I got it anyway. Forever21 is waaaaaaaay.. did I say WAAAAYYYY cooler than I thought. It has soo many "accidental vegan" shoes (which basically means they don't do it on purpose except for the fact that makingn shoes vegan is cheaper since leather is expensive)  and I loooooove the styles. I am having an amazing day, and had to say so. 

Go world. 

Go internet. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

good times and chillin with my ego.

"What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person." -John Green, Paper Towns

Halloween was really fun, life is treating me well. Life is, that is, some people aren't, but I just get over it. =)

Gettin tired of friends who say you are friends, but want more, then stop talking to you when they realize they aren't getting any. =/

I'm really loving psychology, and I hope I will continue to as I take more classes, which reminds me that I need to go to the transfer center to set my schedule for sure, registering opens the 12th for me!!! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly months pass, I mean, christmas is almost here and I am not ready!! I do however know JUST what I want! pretty much anything from AA, but specifically these babies. Gooosshhhh, they are so puuuurffectt... I just need some shoes to go with.... 

anyways... short post.. but just tryin to get back in the swing of posting at all. 


Sunday, September 19, 2010

     I have a habit of not writing the name of the person who said something. Usually it is just to see if people care to figure out who said it. My life isn't exceptionally crazy right now, and I would love to say this is a self-help thing, but really I just want to remember to write things down. I'm not going to caption every picture (and would really prefer not to be in any more pictures). But all you really need to know is, this bridge connects Rwanda and Tanzania, and that once it meant pain, and now for most people it is just a place where amuzungu go to see the water and the monkeys in the bushes. Change is everywhere, you can either go with it or push hard against it. Either way, you will end up moving.